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Victoria Travel Voucher Scheme Ends: Where to Find New Schemes

Victorian Travel Voucher Scheme for has now ended – Stay up to date about new tourism Schemes with Daylesford BnB or the Visit Victoria website.

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The highly successful Victoria Travel Voucher Schemes has come to an end, much to the disappointment of many Victorians who were looking forward to taking advantage of the program.

Victoria Travel Voucher Scheme Ends

The $200 Regional Travel Voucher Scheme and the $400 Melbourne Travel Voucher Scheme were both designed to stimulate the tourism industry by encouraging Victorians to take domestic holidays and visit local attractions. The vouchers were available to eligible residents of Victoria and could be used to offset the cost of travel, accommodation, and tourism activities within the state.

The scheme was a huge success, with many Victorians taking advantage of the vouchers to explore their own backyard and support local businesses during a challenging time for the tourism industry.

While the Travel Voucher Scheme has ended, there may be other similar programs available in the future. The Victorian government is committed to supporting the state’s tourism industry, and there may be other initiatives designed to encourage Victorians to take domestic holidays and support local businesses.

Federal government Tourism Support Package

One potential option is the federal government’s Tourism Aviation Network Support (TANS) program, which was announced in the 2021-22 budget. The TANS program provides financial support to airlines to maintain connectivity to key domestic tourism destinations, helping to ensure that Australians can continue to travel and support the tourism industry.

In addition, the federal government has also announced the Tourism Support Package, which includes a range of measures designed to support the industry, including a $50 million Regional Tourism Recovery initiative, which will provide funding for local tourism infrastructure projects, and a $9 million program to support the development of new tourism experiences and products.

Victorians who are looking to travel and support local businesses can also explore other options, such as discounted accommodation and tourism activities, or book directly with local operators to ensure that their money goes directly to the businesses that need it.

Stay up to date new Victoria Travel Voucher Schemes

One of the best ways to stay up to date with any new travel voucher schemes or initiatives is to keep an eye on government websites and social media channels.

The Victorian government’s tourism website, Visit Victoria, is a great place to start, as it provides a wealth of information on local tourism operators, attractions, and events, as well as news and updates on any new initiatives or programs.

In addition, the Australian government’s tourism website, Tourism Australia, is another valuable resource for those looking to travel within the country. The website provides information on local operators and attractions, as well as travel deals and packages, and news and updates on any new initiatives or programs.

Another option for those looking to travel and support local businesses is to explore community-led initiatives, such as Buy From The Bush or Spend With Them. These initiatives were launched in response to the bushfire crisis and COVID-19 pandemic and aim to connect consumers with local businesses, providing an easy way to support the local economy and help small businesses survive during challenging times.

While the Victorian government’s Travel Voucher Scheme has ended, there are still many ways for Victorians to travel and support local businesses. Whether it’s through discounted accommodation, community-led initiatives, or exploring new programs and initiatives, there are plenty of options available to those looking to explore their own backyard and support the local tourism industry.

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