Daylesford BNB

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Discover your potential earnings with our convenient calculators.

Step 1 - Average Daily Rate & Overview for Daylesford 
Select the number of bedrooms to get general historical data about the Daylesford BNB Market or head over to pricelabs to create your own market dashboard and compare your listing with similar properties to estimate information like average daily rate and occupancy.  

By simply inputting the approximate nightly rate, number of nights, and maximum guest numbers, you can receive a high-level estimate based on common expenses per booking. Tailor the calculation to your property by providing details such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. These inputs allow us to estimate average linen and cleaning costs accurately. The result? An estimate of owner revenue per booking that gives you valuable insights into your property's earning potential.

Average Daily Rate & Overview for Daylesford

Discover your properties , Average Daily Rate, and potential earnings

Per Booking Net Revenue Estimator

By simply inputting the approximate average daily rate, number of nights, and information about your property, you can receive a per booking high-level estimate based on common expenses.

 Tailor the calculation to your property by providing details such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. These inputs allow us to estimate average linen and cleaning costs and then estimate owner revenue per booking.


Guest Fee:


Cleaning Fee:


Linen Fee:


Management Fee:


Online Booking Site Commission:


Owner Receives


Owner Net %


*Online Booking Site Commission may vary, Credit Card Processing Fees may apply, Stock items such as tea, coffee toilet paper etc have not been included in the above calculations. *

Annual Revenue Estimate - Basic

Use the occupancy and daily rate information from our "Average Daily Rate & Overview for Daylesford" and the Owner Net % from the "Per Booking Net Revenue Estimator" to discover your properties annual gross and basic net potential earnings

Enter the estimated Annual Occupancy Rate, your estimated Average Daily Rate and the Owner Net % Estimate to calculate an Annual Gross and Net Revenue Estimate

Annual Revenue Estimate

Estimated Annual Revenue: 0

Owner Net $ Estimate: $0

Daylesford BNB © 2025
ABN 77652608207
Daylesford BNB

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